Gannan video series 3 -- Xiahe Thangka: Ancient craft becomes a modern treasure
Gannan video series 1 -- Modern agriculture and animal husbandry improve well-being
5 Years on the East Asia Poverty Reduction Cooperation Pilot Project
[Ending poverty in China: Data speak] How can we make rural people's lives better?
[Ending poverty in China: Data speak] How to solve the problem of poverty caused by ill-health?
[Ending poverty in China: Data speak] How can students be kept from falling behind?
[Ending poverty in China: Data speak] How does China feed its 1.4 billion citizens?
Robert Walker: Taking a multidimensional perspective to measure poverty
Robert Walker: China's success in poverty reduction is based on strong policies and precise targets
Martin Raiser: 40-year partnership with China to fight against poverty
Victoria Kwakwa: WB to launch a new study on China's poverty reduction
Launch of the 2nd call of solicitation on best poverty reduction practices
ASEAN: China-ASEAN poverty reduction cooperation promotes regional development
IFAD:Countries need to adjust China’s poverty reduction experience to local conditions
Global Solicitation and Challenge Prize on Best Poverty Reduction Practices
FAO: China requires new partnerships to go the “last mile” in eradicating extreme poverty