How did China’s targeted poverty alleviation efforts help lift nearly 100 million people out of poverty in just eight years as its rural impoverished population decreased from 98.99 million in 2012 to 5.51 million in 2019?
Accurate identification of poverty alleviation targets
China's absolute poverty line is higher than the World Bank’s. China's poverty threshold is 2,300 yuan of yearly income per person in constant 2010 prices, which is higher than the WB’s US$1.90-a-day standard.
Income statuses and causes of poverty have been identified accurately.
Efforts have been made to understand impoverished families’ food, housing, work, education, healthcare situations to design specific plans to escape from poverty.
Targeted implementation
Millions of poverty reduction officials have worked in impoverished areas and helped the households solve real problems.
More than 3 million outstanding government officials working at the city level and higher have been helping reduce poverty in rural China in addition to the 2 million officials who were already working in villages and townships.
The central government has provided a large amount of funding for the endeavor.
Broad participation has occurred throughout all sectors of society including pairing assistance, East-west cooperation, consumption-oriented poverty reduction.
Industries have also been developed based on local conditions.
Efficient management
A poverty alleviation funding management system was created that helps ensure that funds are used effectively and that there is accountability for improper use.
Assessment of sufficient access to food, clothing, education, healthcare, and safe housing and an extensive satisfaction survey and third-party evaluation help to ensure that poverty alleviation achievements withstand the test of history.