Mehmet Adnan AKFIRAT,December 08, 2021
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Representative to China, Global Journalists Council (GJC), GJC is a the Turkish Presidency backed “International Union” for promoting Turkey.
Representative to China and Member of International Relations Bureau of Patriotic Party of Turkey. Responsible person for Chinese Affairs.
Chairman of Turkish-Chinese Business Development and Friendship Association (Turk-Cin İs Der) The Association has been established in 2005, have good cooperation with the Turkish Embassy in Beijing and General Consulate in Shanghai vice versa Chinese Embassy in
Ankara and General Consulate in Istanbul. Turk-Cin İs Der is cooperating with China People's Friendship Association For Foreign Countries.
Chairman of the Belt and Road Initiative Quarterly (BRIQ) journal. The BRIQ is published by the Turkish-Chinese Business Development and Friendship Association, in English and Turkish languages.