Malaysia aims to control healthcare inflation in rural areas, says official

Xinhua, February 26, 2025
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The government is working to keep inflation from affecting the price of healthcare in rural areas of the country, a Malaysian official said on Monday.

Among measures being taken especially to keep the price of healthcare in rural areas under control is the construction of more healthcare facilities, providing more affordable and quality healthcare services and reducing transportation costs for residents requiring access to health facilities, particularly in Sarawak state, which has seen higher than average inflation, Deputy Economy Minister Hanifah Hajar Taib told parliament.

Hanifah said a total of 58 projects worth 3.04 billion ringgit have been approved for Sarawak state as part of the 12th Malaysia Plan, a series of five-year developmental plans aimed at economic empowerment.

She further stated that the government will enhance monitoring and surveillance efforts to combat profiteering and ensure reasonable pricing of goods and services, in addition to increasing budgetary allocations to support less advantaged segments of society. (1 Malaysian ringgit equals 0.22 U.S. dollar)