Training course held for official-turned rural Party secretaries

Xinhua, July 09, 2024
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A training course has been held to train officials who were selected in a program to work as first secretaries of grassroots Communist Party of China committees at rural villages.

The officials were selected from central Party and government departments. They will be sent to live and work in villages to provide support for local development.

The training course, jointly held by the Organization Department of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs last week in east China's Jiangsu Province, aims to promote these officials' roles in advancing all-around rural revitalization and consolidating and building on the gains in poverty alleviation.

Based on the officials' needs, lessons on ideology, policy and discipline as well as case study and field investigation were held during the training. Senior officials from relevant central authorities and scholars were invited to give lectures at the course. The participants also had exchanges with representatives of outstanding rural Party officials and first secretaries.

A total of 472 such officials as well as senior local officials attended the course.